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📸 Genuine Smiles 101 with Professor Thomas! 📸 When it comes to capturing those heartwarming, genuine kiddo smiles, sometimes you’ve got to think… well, upside down! 😂 Here we have Thomas, our resident kid expert, rocking his hat in the most unconventional way. Because why wear a hat the regular way when the upside-down version guarantees a classroom of giggles? 🎩 Sometimes all you need is a little twist (or flip) to turn a chaotic group of kids into a cute class photo! 🔄 Who knew hat fashion could be so revolutionary? Hats off (or upside down?) to you, Thomas! 🙌 AND Kudos to Cam for capturing the BTS action of school photos! 📸 #UpsideDownTrendsetter #GenuineSmilesClub #ThomasTheSmileGuru #TKPhotography #Chicago #ChicagoSchoolPhotography #ClassPhoto

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